Monday, October 13, 2008

My company

Now, let's talk about business. And lemme start by introducing to you the first company I founded. Hereunder is a profile of Theotokos International Enterprises, one of my import-export firms. In my next posts, I shall introduce to you, dear friends -- and dear future clients -- the different products I carry and, hmm, sell.

A Humble Beginning

Theotokos International Enterprises is an import-export firm that specializes in the importation and trading of frozen meat products. Founded in June 2002, it carries the seemingly quixotic vision of providing quality and the most affordable food on every Filipino's table.

The discrepancy between the quality and affordability of food that are feeding the Filipino people has long been a painful fact that burdened the Filipinos. The reality that most affordable foods are not quality foods and almost all quality foods are not very affordable stared especially at the faces of the founders of the company like the eyes of the Gorgons. To their mind and according to their faith and principles, quality and affordability should exist like twins in matters as important as food. To bridge the seemingly irreconcilable gap thus, they immediately laid out the foundations of one grandiose dream.

That dream would soon become Theotokos International Enterprises.

From then on, there was no turning back. Armed only with the needed experience, knowledge and a strong passion to succeed, the company, in the spirit of its adopted motto often found posted in many a door, made all the PUSH and PULL that slowly put Theotokos International Enterprises in its rightful place in the Philippine meat industry.

The company proved itself relentless and success-driven. It wouldn’t let one stone unturned that would help in the building of one great edifice that is Theotokos International Enterprises. It boldly stirred itself into the heights and the depths, where its own wits and guts were challenged and where its potentials were brought to their heights.

Today, Theotokos International Enterprises caters to its certified clients that include leading meat processors in the country as well as leading restaurateurs, traders and wholesalers. It continues to grow, to be strong, and to be where one really meets the meat.

Indeed, to PUSH and to PULL.

Vision Statement

A company defined by unrelenting pursuit for excellence, unparalleled service and total commitment in contributing to the nourishment of health and well being of every Filipino family by providing quality and the most affordable meat and meat products for every Filipino family’s table.

Mission Statement

  • We aim to provide the most affordable and the best quality of meat and meat products for every Filipino family’s table for the purpose of contributing our share in the nourishment of health and well being of each member of the Filipino family.
  • We aim to provide the best quality in our products and the biggest opportunities for work and business by:
    • Providing the highest standards in labor;
    • Promoting a culture of industriousness and diligence, and particularly, Theotokos International Enterprises’ culture of “PUSH and PULL”; and
    • Offering an unparalleled service.

Our Commitment

We hereby commit to:

  • Establish, maintain and sustain committed partners in the market.
  • Invest in and maintain excellent systems in management, marketing and partnerships.
  • Nurture and sustain the Theotokos International Enterprises’ culture of industriousness and diligence aptly crystallized in its motto often found posted in many a door - PUSH and PULL.
  • Invest in and maintain superior utilities and machineries.
  • Nurture and enhance the capabilities and skills of employees through continuing education and trainings.

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